Pathways for Lifelong Learning Universities


The main objective of the ALLUME project was to explore the ways to increase the participation of universities to LLL.

LLL is not yet a high priority for universities, excepted in few institutions in few countries, even if it is recognised as a necessity and considered as being part of the modernisation agenda of universities.

Develop a LLL strategy in universities means to develop strategies:
*  to increase cooperation with companies and to consider social, cultural and economic development of communities and the region;
* to develop relationships with other formal and non formal education providers;
*  to provide flexible and adapted learning opportunities, organisations and services (especially advice, guidance and counselling and recognition of non formal and informal learning).

It is now necessary to move lifelong learning from a peripheral approach to an institutional integrated strategy. The ULLL Charter proposed by EUA gives us now an opportunity to invite universities to reflect on the elaboration of LLL strategies and to work on concrete implementation.

ALLUME intends to prepare tools which would help universities to start and support an implementing process respecting a wide range of models and make comparability at European level possible.  These tools were discussed with European organisations, institutions and networks .

The production of the tools will be based on:

• 10 case studies presenting progresses in the implementation of LLL strategies in line with the 10 commitments of the Charter
• A transversal analysis of the case studies
• A presentation of this analysis in a Consultation Seminar to collect recommendations for further development
• The production and the test of draft tools for implementation in universities, in countries not yet considering LLL as a priority
• A presentation and discussion of the tools in a Dissemination Seminar "Pathways for LLLUs"